
The law number 4 : 2011 and Presidential Decree number 9 : 2016 policy in Indonesia regulates the management of standardization and unification of geospatial data called One Map Policy to achieved one geospatial information which is needed across the institution and ministries. Ministry of Energy and Minerals Resources (MEMR) of Republic Indonesia have managed diverse data which are dynamic and periodically changing, completed with their spatial aspect. To manage those datasets to follow the one map policy, Center of Data and Information Technology unit with task is managing data and information technology developed a Web-GIS platform called ESDM One Map Indonesia that can be used for displaying, analyzing, and monitoring energy and mineral resources. ESDM One Map Indonesia is expected to support various stakeholders in their decision and policy making process, especially in the case of territorial issues. The data in this system is stored in PostgreSQL that exist in an enterprise geodatabase which then published as map services in WMS, WFS, or KML format using Enterprise GIS. Overall, this Web-GIS application could help in monitoring the data development and performing spatial analysis which are can be used for supporting the decision maker. ESDM One Map Indonesia is strong efforts -from MEMR of Republic Indonesia in the form of Web-GIS application for supporting the Indonesian One Map Policy which requires- support and data collaboration from another Ministry/Organization. The willingness from MEMR still needs a support especially keep up with the advancement of Web-GIS based application so that the service provided by ESDM One Map Indonesia can be continuously maintained.

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