
Introduction: It's a fact that nursing is a profession where most of their components are women, nevertheless, responsibility and decision-making positions aremainly occupied bymale nurses, and this is like this in spite of that they only represent 16 % of the professional contingent. The tokenism explains well this reality. Objectives: To value if the female nurse suffers discrimination inside the own profession, in the nurses' union and in the professional association. To verify if in the responsibility positions inside the Regional Health Services, the nurse is still relegated to other health professionals or not. Methodology: Bibliography researches weremadein various databases using the keywords and selecting with the ten years filter articles in Spanish and English, and official databases were revised (INE, EPA, CGE, SATSE and websites of the Regional Health Services). Results: The 84 % of the professionals nurses are females, although in the 15 Regional Nurses Councils consulted, there are only 5 chairwomen. In the SATSE, 58 %of secretariats are occupied bywomen, percentage that is not appropriate with the gender distribution in this collective. It is also alleged that nurses are not present as managers of Health Services. Discussion: It has been shown that nursing, despite being a feminized profession, has to deal with the phenomenon of the token in their ownworld somen dominate positions of power as evidenced by the data. Conclusions:The female nurse is still in an inferior position both inside and outside the profession. Keywords: nurse, tokenism, glass escalator, feminization.

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