
Introduction: The application of a scale can be particularly useful for the epidemiological studies comparing different populations and for analysis of the influence of distinct aspects of oral health on the development of certain health conditions. The aim of this study consists in the creation of a scale to classify the level of perception of the oral health behaviors applicable to a sample of Portuguese adolescents. Material and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was designed with a total of 649 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 years old from five public schools in the Viseu and Guarda districts, in Portugal. Data was collected by the application of a self-administered questionnaire and, after analysis of data collection, the newly Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) oral health perception scale was created. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS-IBM software version 24.0 (IBM SPSS, Chicago, Il., USA). In the descriptive statistical analysis, absolute and descriptive frequencies were used for variables with nominal measurement level, mean as a measure of central tendency and standard deviation as a measure of dispersion for interval variables. Results: Oral health behaviors perception respecting the assumptions defined by the present scale has been elaborated. The result showed that 67% of the sample presented a poor perception of their oral health behaviors, 23.9% intermediate/sufficient, while 8.2% refer having good perception, respecting the assumptions defined for the elaboration of the present scale. Conclusion: For this purpose, through the scale to classify the level of oral health behaviors applicable to the sample of portuguese adolescents, it is possible to compare the data of several samples and understand what are the most frequent oral or eating habits among adolescents.


  • The application of a scale can be useful for the epidemiological studies comparing different populations and for analysis of the influence of distinct aspects of oral health on the development of certain health conditions

  • Average oral hygiene time Based on the variables of the questionnaire “Each time you perform your oral hygiene on average, how we found that: M=24.55; SD=3.01

  • Scores attributed to the perception of how oral hygiene should be performed

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The present study is an observational cross-sectional study and obtained approval by the Health Sciences Institute of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and the formal authorization of the participating schools. The informed and explicit consent of the adolescents participating in the study and their legal guardians was received. A total of 649 adolescents (56.4% of the female gender) between the ages of 12 and 18 years old definition of the strategies, the assessment of oral health from five public schools in the Viseu and Guarda districts indicators and the development of appropriate scales are (Aguiar da Beira, Mundão, Abraveses, Mangualde and essential to evaluate the epidemiological reality from a Satão) during the year 2017 participated in this study

These schools have been collaborating with the
Once a day
Variable Yes No
Variable No Rarely Somtimes Everyday
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