
The Research was aimed to analyze the error on pronoun made by the eleventh grade students of SMA Katolik Cinta Kasih Tebing Tinggi in Academic Year of 2020/2021. The subject of this research consists of 30 students in XI-MIPA-1. The objectives of the study were (1) To find out the types of error made by students in using pronoun. (2) To find out what causes the students made such error in using pronoun. This research used qualitative approach with descriptive research. The errors were collected, identified, and classified based on the Surface Structure Taxonomy by Dulay. It was specified by four types of errors namely omission, addition, misordering, and misformation.The result showed (1) The most common errors made by the students were misformation (52,0%) or 88 errors. The second was error in addition with the frequency (35,5%) or 60 errors. The third error was omission (11,2%) or 19 errors. The lowest frequency of error was misordering (1,1%) or 2 errors. (2) The students made such errors in using pronouns because of their less motivation of learning, lack of knowledge about grammar and English language, and minimal use of media by the teacher during teaching learning process. The teacher should create an interesting teaching, so it that can increase the students’ interest in learning English.

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