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  • The relevant text has been replaced with: Anne Brunet (Stanford University) discussed the metabolic regulation of aging using the C. elegans model. She focused on histone methylation as deficiencies in trimethylation of histone 3 at lysine 4 (H3K4me3) were found to increase lifespan

  • Regulation of H3K27me3 was involved in lifespan determination

  • Brunet further discussed the importance of fat metabolism, in particular the different type of fatty acids, in H3K4me3-deficient worms and how this relates to longevity

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? Convenient online submission ? Thorough peer review ? No space constraints or color ?gure charges ? Immediate publication on acceptance ? Inclusion in PubMed, CAS, Scopus and Google Scholar ? Research which is freely available for redistribution. Erratum: The 2014 Beatson international cancer conference: powering the cancer machine Jurre J Kamphorst and Daniel J Murphy*

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