
On page 1306, right-hand column, “∑PCB concentration was about 15,000 ppb”, should be replaced with “∑PCB concentration was about 15 ppb”, so that the sentence correctly reads: “Indeed, our average ∑PCB concentration was about 15 ppb, whereas our average ∑OH-PCB concentration was about 0.7 ppb, with the relative concentrations of individual congeners being somewhat similar.” Also, Figure 3 (top graph), the units of the contaminant concentration should be “Log ppb” instead of “Log ppm” (see revised figure below). Total thyroxine (TT4; top) decreased and total triiodothyronine (TT3; bottom) increased with contaminant concentrations for nestling bald eagles collected in 2003. Relationships are shown for contaminants selected in lowest Akaike's information criterion models. In upper graph, squares represent CB153, circles represent sum polychlorinated biphenyls (∑PCB), and triangles represent 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p′-DDE). Dashed line represents linear CB153, black solid line represents linear ∑PCB, and gray solid line represents linear p,p′-DDE. OH-PBDE = hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ether.

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