
We demonstrate a molecular beam epitaxy growth technique to create intentionally textured interfaces between semimetallic ErAs and GaAs that result in interface orientations that are different from the substrate. To grow the textured interfaces, ErAs is deposited on (100) GaAs and islands form in an island growth mode. Enough GaAs is then deposited to fill the space between islands with semiconductor. More ErAs is deposited on the ErAs∕GaAs surface and the new ErAs islands are thought to nucleate on the exposed top surface of the partially covered islands. The process is repeated to “stack” the islands. By quadratically increasing the amount of ErAs deposited in each repetition, the islands form into cones/pyramids that coalesce into a complete film with an intentionally roughened interface. Compared to a smooth interface between ErAs and GaAs, the Schottky barrier height between textured ErAs and n-GaAs can be reduced from ∼0.81to∼0.52eV, and the Schottky barrier height between ErAs and p-GaAs can be increased from ∼0.38to∼0.63eV.

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