
EPR measurements of Mn 2+ ions at the orthorhombic substitutional site in MgF 2 have been made at 4.2 K with 34 GHz-band and at 300 K with 9 GHz-band microwaves. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters have been determined unambiguously relative to the ligand octahedron by observing the associated ligand fluorine-ENDOR transitions. The principal z axis with the maximum component of the 2nd-rank fine structure tensor D has been found to be along the [110] direction in the (1\bar10) plane which contains Mn 2+ and four equatorial ligand-F - ions. Apically-compressed configurations of ligand octahedra in MgF 2 :Mn 2+ and ZnF 2 :Mn 2+ have been confirmed by the analyses of ligand-hyperfine parameters.

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