
Data on a modern epizootic situation on helminthoses of hens in the Novosibirsk region are provided in article. To study the contamination of poultry with helminths, the ovoscopic Fulleborn method, commonly accepted in parasitology, was used. In total 360 fecal samples received from the poultry contained in personal farms of citizens of Suzunsky, Toguchinsky, Cherepanovky districts of the Novosibirsk region were investigated. It is found that the parasitic complex of the gastrointestinal tract is represented by 2 classes of helminths – Nematoda and Cestoda, as well as unicellular class Sporozoa, the genus Eimeria. Nematodes include the helminths belonging to 3 families and 5 genus – Capillariidae (g. Capillaria, g. Eucoleus, g. Thominx), Ascaridiidae (g. Askaridia) and Heterakidae (g. Heterakis). Parasitosis proceed in the form of mixtinvasions. In gelminthokomplex of a poultry the dominating components are nematodes of families Capillariidae with high average infection level – 50.8%. Subdominants are Ascaris and Heterakis, their average poultry invasion is 19.2 and 23.6% respectively. The widespread distribution of pathogens nematodes is revealed, but poultry infestation with individual nematode species both in the regions and in individual settlements differs. The infestation of poultry nematodes of the families Capillariidae, Ascaridiidae and Heterakidae varies, including the level of one area. The maximum and minimum infestation of a poultry is registered by the specified helminths in Suzun, Suzunsky district and in the settlement Semenovsky of Cherepanovsky district, with infestation respectively 70,0; 46,7;40,0% and 26.9; 20.4; 21.3%. The infection of the poultry with cestodoses ranged from 0.8 to 9.4% and averaged 3.3%.

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