
Clearance rates of epizooic ciliates (Vorticella sp.) were measured together with their host, a planktonic cladoceran Daphnia longispina by using fluorescent latex beads as tracers of food. Vorticellans and their host graze on food of same size range (nanoplanktonic algae and bacteria). Individual clearance rates of Vorticella averaged 6.9 and 7.0 μl ind-1 h-1 and those of Daphnia 463 and 708 μl ind-1 h-1 for beads with diameter 2.00 and 3.92 μm. On the average, epizooic vorticellans together on the carapace of Daphnia cleared particles with rates representing 25-33% of that the host cleared, the maximum rates being 50-80%. In a steeply stratified polyhumic lake vorticellans take advantage of following Daphnia to food patches and they can severely compete for food with their host.

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