
In this study, the epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Fagus orientalis forests in Hıdırnebi Plateau (Trabzon, Turkey) was investigated. A total of 34 relevés taken from living tree trunks in the different vegetation periods of 2020 were analysed according to the Braun-Blanquet methodology. As a result of the analyses, the Leskeello nervosae–Pterigynandretum filiformis, Leskeello nervosae–Pterigynandretum filiformis lewinskyetosum rupestris subass. nov., Pseudoleskeello nervosae–Raduletum lindbergianae ass. nov. and Pseudoleskeello nervosae–Raduletum lindbergianae isothecietosum alopecuroidis subass. nov. were described and characterised as a new epiphytic syntaxa. The Leskeello nervosae–Pterigynandretum filiformis is also new to Turkey. In addition, the ecological and floristical characteristics of the syntaxa were evaluated.

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