
Human placenta has a large number of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors when measured either by [125I]iodoEGF binding or by protein yield after purification. To localize EGF receptors in situ in normal human term placenta, two different light microscopic methods were used. To detect unoccupied, accessible EGF binding sites on the extracellular surface of placental cells in intact blocks of tissue, samples were incubated with [125I]iodoEGF, sectioned and autoradiography performed. To detect the total pool of intracellular and extracellular EGF receptors, placental tissue was sectioned, treated with detergent, and then anti-EGF receptor antibody was localized by immunohistoperoxidase techniques. Both [125I]iodoEGF and anti-EGF receptor antibody methods showed that EGF receptors were primarily present on syncytiotrophoblast cells of placental villi. Smooth muscle cells of placental blood vessels also contained EGF receptors. Neither connective tissue cells within the core of terminal chorionic villi nor endothelium of fetal blood vessels had detectable [125I]iodoEGF binding or immunoreactive EGF receptors. Since the quantity of placental smooth muscle cells is only a small fraction compared to trophoblast cells, we conclude that syncytiotrophoblast cells are primarily responsible for the high levels of EGF receptors found in extracts prepared from human term placenta.

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