
Initiation and development of grass leaves and tillers are often described individually with little attention to possible interrelationships among organs. In order to better understand these interrelationships, this research examined epidermal cell division during developmental transitions at the apical meristem of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Ten seedlings were harvested each day for a 9-d period, and lengths of main shoot leaves and primary tillers were measured. In addition, numbers and lengths of epidermal cells were determined for 0.5 mm segments along the basal 3 mm of each leaf and tiller. Primordia development and onset of rapid leaf elongation were characterized by an increase in the number of cells per epidermal file with mean cell length remaining near 20 microm per cell. After the leaf had lengthened to 1-1.5 mm, cells near the leaf tip ceased dividing and increased in length, at which time leaf elongation rate increased rapidly. Ligule formation, marking the boundary between blade and sheath cells, occurred prior to leaf tip emergence above the whorl of older sheaths, while the earliest differentiation between blade and sheath cells probably began when leaves were < 1 mm long. Major transitions in leaf and tiller development appeared to be synchronized among at least three adjacent nodes. At the oldest node, cessation of cell division in the leaf sheath was accompanied by initiation of cell division and elongation in the associated tiller bud. At the next younger node the ligule was being initiated, while at the youngest node cell division commenced in the leaf primordium, as elongation of a new leaf blade began. This synchronization of events suggests a key role for the cell division process in regulating leaf and tiller development.

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