
Five hundred and seventy seven instances of probable disease caused by a typical Mycobacterium species were identified from isolates referred to the N.S.W. Mycobacterium Reference Laboratory during the period 1980-88. The annual figure rose rapidly from 1986, the increase being entirely due to cases of infection caused by organisms of the Mycobacterium avium-intra cellulare-scrofulaceum complex in patients with AIDS. Other atypical Mycobacterium spp. have not been isolated with increasing frequency from known HIV-antibody positive individuals. Despite the increasing numbers of patients with various kinds of immune deficiency or suppression, the total incidence of infection caused by these organisms appears otherwise not to have changed, nor has there been a rise in documented cases of infection caused by organisms traditionally regarded as saprophytic. Five hundred and seventy seven instances of probable disease caused by a typical Mycobacterium species were identified from isolates referred to the N.S.W. Mycobacterium Reference Laboratory during the period 1980-88. The annual figure rose rapidly from 1986, the increase being entirely due to cases of infection caused by organisms of the Mycobacterium avium-intra cellulare-scrofulaceum complex in patients with AIDS. Other atypical Mycobacterium spp. have not been isolated with increasing frequency from known HIV-antibody positive individuals. Despite the increasing numbers of patients with various kinds of immune deficiency or suppression, the total incidence of infection caused by these organisms appears otherwise not to have changed, nor has there been a rise in documented cases of infection caused by organisms traditionally regarded as saprophytic.

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