
Violence is presented as the outcome of a complex interaction between individual relationship community socio-cultural political and environmental factors. Images and accounts of violence pervade the media; it is in our streets in our homes schools workplaces and institutions. To study the impact of violence it is desirable to conduct a community based study however a hospital based study would provide an approximate picture of the burden and distribution of violence. The present study was conducted at Assam Medical Colleges Dibrugrah Assam. Violent deaths reported at the Forensic Department Assam Medical colleges Hospital were also included. The period of study was between 1st May 2003 to 30th April 2004. Any person reporting with an intentional injury either self inflicted or inflicted by others was included as a case of violence. The study being hospital based could observe only the victims reporting as a result of actual physical injury. Violence threatened or causing psychological harm or mal development could not be captured in this study. In case of death or unconsciousness the attendant was interviewed. The attendant could be a relative a neighbor or a policeman who could describe the circumstances of the violent act. At other times the forensic report proved useful. A pre-tested Performa specially designed for these purpose was used for interviewing the violence victims either in the casually or in the wards. The information collected included personal identification data time and type of violence etc. The medico legal records and case sheets were referred for collecting additional information. (excerpt)

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