
Digestive protozooses are caused by parasites of the protozoan group. Some species are commensal and recognized as little or non-pathogenic for humans, while others are pathogenic and can induce malabsorption syndromes, diarrhea, altered general condition and staturo-ponderal retardation in children. Their prevalence reflects the hygiene status of the population and, given their frequency, represents a public health problem in developing countries. Our study will focus on the group of pathogenic digestive protozooses, notably Amoebiasis, Giardiasis and Intestinal Coccidioses. This is a descriptive retrospective study carried out in a population of 4400 patients, conducted in the parasitology-mycology department of the Hassan ll University Hospital in Fez over a period spread between 2016 and 2021. Each patient received at least one parasitological stool examination. Each stool was processed in two stages: · Direct examination in the fresh state with and without staining (Lugol 2%, MIF...) · Direct examination after concentration. Followed by staining with Ziel Neelsen modified for immunocompromised patients.

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