
Abstract A description is provided for Epicoccum purpurascens [Epicoccum nigrum] . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: plurivorous. DISEASE: The species usually occurs as a saprophyte or weak parasite although there are a number of reference to its occurance as a specific parasite. It occurs on a wide range of plants and plant material, human and animal tissue and processed foodstuffs. Generally regarded as a saprophyte or weak parasite but it has been listed as causing leaf spot of cassava (48, 2104), twig blight of Asiatic chestnuts (51, 1193) and because of its reddish-brown pigments (Β-carotene, torularhodin and rhodo-xanthin) it has been referred to as causing 'Red Kernel' disease of sweet corn (54, 2217), Red Blotch of rice (13, 538) and Brown Rot of apple. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Although new records of its distribution are constantly being published its range is probably world-wide wherever vegetation occurs. The CMI has material from all the major regions of the world and collections too numerous to list here. TRANSMISSION: Spores of the species are amongst the commonest components of the air spore (51, 1193) and have been frequently isolated from seeds of rice (53, 135), millet (53, 3004) and cereals in general.

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