
In a recent article in the<i>Ladies Home Journal</i>, Mr. Reginald Wright Kauffman is authority for the statement that ma huang is closely related to coca and that it is as dangerous as the narcotics of the coca group. Mention of ma huang, the potent principle of which is ephedrine, is incidental to a popular discussion of the world narcotic situation. The article states: "Ma huang has cocaine's effects—it is exhilarating, habit-forming, deadly." From its phraseology, the source of the statement would appear to be one Alfredo E. Blanco, described as a "leading narcotic expert" of the League of Nations and quoted in the New York<i>Herald Tribune</i>of June 24, 1928, as saying: "The stuff [ephedrine]... is just as exhilarating [as cocaine] at first, just as habit forming a little later and just as deadly at last." Mr. Blanco is not listed in Minerva; Mr. Kauffman is a novelist

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