
Currently the great quandary in the animal production is the reduction of the costs, without forgetting the maintenance them profits or until the increase of them. Other aspect sufficiently questioned in the present time is foods alternative that they are used in the substitution of the maize and soy, that I eat known for, suffers many influences of market and its price varies very. However the great majority of foods used in this substitution contains antinutricionais factors as inhibiting of proteases, fitatos among others that they get worse the quality of the food and makes it difficult the digestibilidade of the nutrients on the part of the birds. In search of this it is that if it has launched hand of the technology in vigor in the exogenous enzyme production for the animal feeding, having as benefits the maintenance of the quality of foods, improves in the digestibilidade of the nutrients, reduction of the humidity of excrements and elimination wants either in part or total of the antinutricionais factors of foods used in the feeding of birds. Being thus this revision it had as objective to elaborate a revision on the basis of the advances and too much uses of exogenous enzymes in the feeding of birds.

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