
The intent of this paper is to present a trifold solution to the tripartite concerns of Tibetans, namely: (1) the exile of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from Potala Palace on March 31, 1959 to India, (2) Tibetans’ aspiration for a self-governing free civil state, and (3) China’s claim of sovereignty over Tibet. Tibetans can achieve these aspirations by seeking the goodwill of the Chinese government and by promoting the following resolutions: (1) the creation of the Potala State modeled after the Vatican State, from the areas adjoining the Potala palace. Here the Dalai Lama — like the Pope, can be both the temporal head and spiritual leader. The Dalai Lama would be the temporal leader of the Potala palace and would be the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people who follow Lamaism; (2) granting Tibetan people a Hong Kong style government where self-government and self-legislative authority lies with the Tibetan people; (3) accepting China’s sovereignty by consigning foreign policy of Tibet to the Chinese Government. This would appeal to the Chinese goodwill to let the Tibetan people have their values preserved by self-governance without bringing Chinese sovereignty into question. To create a religious enclave for the Tibetan people similar to the Vatican State within the confines of a secular state is to envision a secular Tibet which accepts the importance and significance of Lamaism to the international community at large.

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