
Abstract Pollution is of global importance and as such it goes beyond the national borders of each and every nation. The widespread human activity has begun to change the look of our planet as done by a geological force. Today all environmental systems (forests, mountains, rivers, seas and oceans), ask from us to be careful and systematic in using them as rationally and properly as possible. As a tributary of Ohrid Lake, River Koselska (Ezerka) is one of the important sources of the pollution of this lake. Ohrid Lake is a unique system, rich in different kinds of plant and animal world. One peculiar thing of this lake is its geological age. The banks of the lake have been populated since the prehistoric ages. The archeological sites of inhabitation date back from the age of Neolith. [4.5] The aim of this paper was to analyze parameters for pollution control NO2 -, NO3 - NH4 + and toxicological parameters heavy metals like Fe 3 + , Mn 2 + , Cr 3 +, Cr6+,Fe, Cd, Pb, Ni and Zn. Studed water samples were taken in different locations of River Ezerka and one a lakeshore where the water of this river pours in the Ohrid Lake. Determination of analyzed parameters of pollution control and heavy metals was done using UV-VIS Cam Spec M 330, Atomic Absorption spectroscopy using a Perkin Elmer 370 A and 370 flame – aer acetylene and AAS Peyunicam 926 model.

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