
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of NEMA and its effectiveness in implementing Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Greater Kampala metropolitan Area (GKMA). To achieve the above aim, the study adopted a qualitative document review method to collect data. The concept of the Actor Network Theory was used in identifying how and why NEMA through the process of translation relates with other actors both human and non-human and in what capacity (either in a centralized or decentralized manner) at the various stages of implementing EIA from the various electronic environment management policies reviewed. The socio techno gram tool was used to illustrate the relationship between NEMA and other actors both Human and non-human. In order to understand the aspects of representation of NEMA in the implementation and enforcement of a specific role at various stages of EIA implementation, a matrix framework was developed using the key policy implementation phases. The level of responsiveness from settlement occupants to EIA was used to evaluate the effectiveness of various roles of NEMA in implementing and enforcing EIA in GKMA. The results indicated that NEMA at various stages of EIA implementation and enforcement assumed the statuses of being both a centralized and decentralized institution at the same time. However the study findings also revealed that NEMA was less successful using the centralized approach as compared to the decentralized approach and this was largely attributed to internal weaknesses such as Inadequate skilled personnel, corruption, use of inappropriate implementation tactics among others.

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