
Tadlac Lake, Los Baños, Laguna has been visited a lot of visitors recently. With the increase of number of visitors, environmental issues confront the integrity of Tadlac Lake Ecotourism Project (TLEP). The study was conducted to address these issues using proper communication strategy since the masterplan lacks communication component by identifying the key elements and their communication need and resources. A descriptive method using case study was used to answer the research problem and objectives. Focus Group Discussions and Key Informant Interview were used for gathering data wherein representatives of different stakeholders were categorized into three namely: government agencies, civil society groups, and private business served as the respondents of the study. Based on the findings, environmental issues in TLEP affect the land, water, waste, biodiversity and environmental pollution. Further, stakeholders indicated that they want to know about ecotourism; benefits and drawbacks and the projects of the government related to it. The information source preferred by the stakeholders are barangay consultations, brochures, flyers, and leaflets while the most accessible way for information sharing is face-to-face interaction. A communication strategy with key elements was also proposed based on all the results of this study.

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