
The role of final consumers for reaching different environmental policy targets is crucial. Therefore, raising awareness and fostering pro-environmental behaviours is of importance. However, there are a variety of sources for environmental information which can influence the activities undertaken. The study aims to analyse the relationship between different environmental information sources/channels and pro-environmental behaviours indicated by EU citizens. Based on a Eurobarometer survey covering all EU member states of that time, results revealed that television news remains the dominant source of environmental information (69.3%), followed by internet sources (36.7%) and newspapers (29.1%). On average, respondents perform 4.2 of 14 analysed pro-environmental behaviours. Those who indicate books and scientific literature as a source of environmental information on average perform 5.99 activities, compared to 4.8 activities by those receiving information from the internet, and 4.7 activities when information is received from newspapers. Though scientific literature is a source of environmental information for only 6.8% of EU citizens, regression analysis indicates that usage of books or scientific papers is significantly related to the number of actions performed. Internet sources (websites, blogs, forums), newspapers, and films and documentaries on television are other rather strong predictors of pro-environmental behaviour. Though all sources might be of importance for environmental information provision, less employed ones should be promoted and used to raise awareness of environmental issues and corresponding behaviours.

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