
The relationship between achieving an ecological future, economic growth, andhuman well-being has a long and varied philosophical history. Environmental health and safety(EHS) refers to the recognition, accurate assessment, and prevention of various health risks at workas well as the preservation of employees' productivity. On the other hand, ergonomics combines allof these issues to enhance the competency and well-being of workers. For this particular studyproject, an industrial estate was chosen, and it was further separated into three subzones formonitoring and assessment purposes. Instead of focusing on specific concerns, Industrial Estatewas created to address the difficulties associated with industrialization as a whole. The utilizationof two major data gathering techniques was employed. A specific checklist for EHS proceduresand a review of the site area from an EHS perspective. To address the general situation of theindustrial region, the appropriate measures of the various operations were also taken intoconsideration. Reviewing complaints and accident reports, conducting interviews, and othertechniques are examples of further data collecting approaches. The majority of the results were inconformity with national norms of PEQs and international standards of the World HealthOrganization (WHO), according to a comparison of monitoring reports for ambient air quality andwater quality. The PEQS-defined limit for PM10 was being exceeded. The graphs show how theair and water quality are currently in each location of the industrial site. The industrial estate's keyproblem zones have also been highlighted by the risk assessment matrix. However, a number ofconsiderations suggested that improving the way EHS procedures were implemented wasnecessary for EHS compliance with corporate SOPs.

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