
The most recent video compression technology is High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). This soon to be completed standard is a joint development by Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) of ITU-T and Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) of ISO/IEC. As one of its major technical novelties, HEVC supports variable prediction and transform block sizes using the quadtree approach for block partitioning. In terms of entropy coding, the Draft International Standard (DIS) of HEVC specifies context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) as the single mode of operation. In this paper, a description of the specific CABAC-based entropy coding part in HEVC is given that is related to block structures and transform coefficient levels. In addition, experimental results are presented that indicate the benefit of the transform-coefficient level coding design in HEVC in terms of improved coding performance and reduced complexity.

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