
The melting of DNA in the presence of osmolytes has been studied with the intention of obtaining information about how base pair stability is affected by changes in solution conditions. In previous investigations, the melting enthalpies were assumed to be constant as osmolalities change, but no systematic evaluation of whether this condition is true has been offered. This paper presents calorimetric data on the melting of two synthetic DNA samples in the presence of a number of common osmolytes. Poly(dAdT)·poly(dTdA) and poly(dGdC)·poly(dCdG) melting have been examined by differential scanning calorimetry in solutions containing ethylene glycol, glycerol, sucrose, urea, betaine, PEG 200 and PEG 1450 at increasing osmolalities. The results show small, but significant changes in the enthalpy of melting of the two polynucleotides that are different, depending on the structure of the cosolvent. The polyols, ethylene glycol, glycerol, PEG 200 and also urea all show decreases in melting enthalpy, while betaine and sucrose display increases with increasing concentration of cosolvent. The large stabilizing PEG 1450 shows no change within the experimental errors. Using concepts relating to preferential interactions of the cosolvents with the DNA base pairs, it is possible to interpret some of the observed changes in the thermodynamic properties of melting. The results indicate that there is strong entropy–enthalpy compensation upon melting base pairs, but entropy increases dominate to cause the decreases in stability with increased cosolvent concentration. Excess hydration parameters are evaluated and their magnitudes discussed in terms of changes in cosolvent interactions with the DNA base pairs.

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