Applying the recently developed formalism of quantum-state transformation at absorbing dielectric four-port devices [L.~Kn\"oll, S.~Scheel, E.~Schmidt, D.-G.~Welsch, and A.V.~Chizhov, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 59}, 4716 (1999)], we calculate the quantum state of the outgoing modes of a two-mode squeezed vacuum transmitted through optical fibers of given extinction coefficients. Using the Peres--Horodecki separability criterion for continuous variable systems [R.~Simon, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 2726 (2000)], we compute the maximal length of transmission of a two-mode squeezed vacuum through an absorbing system for which the transmitted state is still inseparable. Further, we calculate the maximal gain for which inseparability can be observed in an amplifying setup. Finally, we estimate an upper bound of the entanglement preserved after transmission through an absorbing system. The results show that the characteristic length of entanglement degradation drastically decreases with increasing strength of squeezing.
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