
We propose a simple system of the entangled photon states generation and regeneration using a standard diode laser, a Mach Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) and a fiber optic ring resonator (FORR). Light from the diode laser is launched into an MZI and circulated in the FOOR, without any optical pumping components included in the system. The nonlinear light pulses are generated by a Kerr nonlinear effects type, while the resonance peaks are formed by the four-wave mixing of light pulses in the FORR. The entangled photons can be performed by using the polarization control device, and then detected by the avalanche photo-detectors, where the entangled photon visibility is plotted and seen. Similarly, the entangled photon states can be easily formed by using the appropriated coupling ratios into a fiber coupler, then into a ring resonator, i.e. without an MZI. The use of the entangled photons generation based on a fiber optic scheme for quantum teleportation, quantum key distribution via optical wireless link, and the system of the entangled photon states recovery by using a fiber ring resonator incorporating an erbium-doped fiber (EDF) have been investigated and discussed. The feasibility of dense coding using multi-entangled photons generation based on the fiber optic scheme and the effect of the entangled state walk-off along the optical fiber are also discussed, respectively.

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