
Enrique Gomez Carrillo at the age of seventeen published in the Guatemalan newspaper El Imparcial in February 1890 a two-part article entitled «El ultimo folleto de Clarin.» It is a review of the sixth of Leopoldo Alas's Folletos literarios, Rafael Calvo y el teatro espanol , in which the freshly minted critic defends Clarin in the most laudatory terms against the attacks of the Salvadorean writer Francisco Gavidia, a close friend of Ruben Dario, both of whom Clarin's apparently anti-American stance had offended deeply. With this forgotten article Gomez Carrillo unleashed a lively polemic, both for his impassioned praise of Clarin as a critic and as a fiction writer and for his acerbic, burlesque tone. In this respect, he echoed Clarin himself, who by this time had become one of the most widely read and hotly debated peninsular writers in Spanish America. Critics have documented the literary relations between Clarin and Gomez Carrillo after the latter's arrival in Madrid and after Clarin reviewed Gomez Carrillo's first book in 1892, but this obscure article, which is reprinted here, pushes the contact back two years and is a demonstration of the sincere and disinterested admiration that Gomez Carrillo felt for Clarin at a time when he owed him no debts.


  • Critics have documented the literary relations between Clarín and Gómez Carrillo after the latter's arrival in Madrid and after Clarín reviewed Gómez Carrillo's first book in 1892, but this obscure article, which is reprinted here, pushes the contact back two years and is a demonstration of the sincere and disinterested admiration that Gómez Carrillo felt for Clarín at a time when he owed him no debts

  • Clarín in America, nineteenth-century Spanish theatre, literary criticism, literary relations between Spain and Spanish America

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Cornell University

Aunque no existen pruebas de que jamás se conocieran personalmente, las relaciones profesionales entre Enrique Gómez Carrillo (1873-1927) y Leopoldo Alas (1852-1901) están ampliamente documentadas ^ Allá por la última década del siglo XIX hubo un cruce de cartas, reseñas, dedicatorias y prólogos entre el joven cronista guatemalteco y el venerado literato español^. Según Barrientos y Ulner, Gómez Carrillo se dio a conocer, bajo su propio nombre, en El Imparcial el 14 de diciembre de 1889 con un artículo muy comentado (anteriormente en 1889 había utilizado una serie de seudónimos en varios periódicos), de modo que esta reseña sobre Clarín data de la producción más temprana del joven periodista. No obstante su carácter ocasional e histriónico y a pesar de los reproches que suscitaron, son impresionantes las páginas de Gómez Carrillo en El Imparcial por lo que revelan de la cultura de quién de verdad fue este joven que a edad muy tierna ya había devorado un montón de lecturas, estaba plenamente al tanto del mundo literario de España y ya podía jactarse de ser crítico profesional. Pero por lo demás he respetado la ortografía, las itálicas y la puntuación del original

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