The presence of metals in hot cluster gas and in Lyα absorbers, as well as the mass-metallicity relation of observed galaxies, suggest that galaxies lose a significant fraction of their metals to the intergalactic medium (IGM). Theoretical studies of this process have concentrated on metal removal by dynamical processes or supernova-driven winds. Here we investigate the enrichment of the IGM by the expulsion of dust grains from galaxies by radiation pressure. We use already completed cosmological simulations to which we add dust, assuming that most dust can reach the equilibrium point between radiation pressure and gravitational forces. We find that the expulsion of dust and its subsequent (partial) destruction in the IGM can plausibly account for the observed level of C and Si enrichment of the z = 3 IGM. At low z, dust ejection and destruction could explain a substantial fraction of the metals in clusters, but it cannot account for all of the chemical species observed. Dust expelled by radiation pressure could give clusters a visual opacity of up to 0.2-0.5 mag in their central regions, even after destruction by the hot intracluster medium; this value is interestingly close to limits and claimed observations of cluster extinction. We also comment on the implications of our results for the opacity of the general IGM. Finally, we suggest a possible hybrid scenario in which winds expel gas and dust into galaxy halos but in which radiation pressure distributes the dust uniformly through the IGM.
The presence of metals in hot cluster gas and in Lyα absorbers, as well as the mass-metallicity relation of observed galaxies, suggest that galaxies lose a significant fraction of their metals to the intergalactic medium (IGM)
Several independent sets of observations indicate that galaxies must lose a substantial fraction of the metals they produce during their lifetimes
Quasar absorption line studies imply that the intergalactic medium (IGM) at z ∼< 3 is enriched to metallicity Z ∼> 10−2.5 Z⊙ (e.g., Songaila & Cowie 1996; Cowie & Songaila 1998; Ellison et al 2000; Penton, Sticke & Schull 2000)
The presence of metals in hot cluster gas and in Lyα absorbers, as well as the mass-metallicity relation of observed galaxies, suggest that galaxies lose a significant fraction of their metals to the intergalactic medium (IGM) Theoretical studies of this process have concentrated on metal removal by dynamical processes or supernova-driven winds. Subsequent studies involving realistic model galaxies have confirmed this idea, showing that gas drag is insufficient to confine grains unless they start at small galactic scaleheight (e.g., Ferrara et al 1990; Shustov & Vibe 1995; Davies et al 1998; Simonsen & Hannestad 1999) All of these studies support the idea that much of a galaxy’s dust may be ejected during its lifetime, so it is interesting to assess the possible IG enrichment that would ensue.
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