
The implementation of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in science learning in elementary school is needed so that students get the stimulation to think critically and creatively through science experiment tasks. The tasks of teaching and learning activities need to be applied in the HOTS-oriented learning process by adjusting the characteristics of elementary students' thought development, curriculum, and adapted to the nature of science as a product, process, and scientific attitude. This study aims to improve the teacher's ability to design science learning in the HOTS category through the application of participatory training, consisting of the stages of analysis of the needs of the training participants, reviewing the material, designing the tasks of the science learning in the HOTS category collaboratively. Subjects were involved as many as 14 elementary school teachers in Laweyan Subdistrict, Surakarta City. The study design uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection used was a test of the ability to design science learning in elementary schools. The results showed that the ability of elementary school teachers to design science learning in the HOTS category after attending the training had a higher score than before participating in the participatory training.


  • Pelatihan Partisipatif Merancang Pembelajaran... study aims to improve the teacher's ability to design science learning in the higher order thinking skills (HOTS) category through the application of participatory training, consisting of the stages of analysis of the needs of the training participants, reviewing the material, designing the tasks of the science learning in the HOTS category collaboratively

  • Subjects were involved as many as 14 elementary school teachers in Laweyan Subdistrict, Surakarta City

  • The results showed that the ability of elementary school teachers to design science learning in the HOTS category after attending the training had a higher score than before participating in the participatory training

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Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Nusantara

PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DALAM MERANCANG PEMBELAJARAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN. ALAM BERKATEGORI HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) MELALUI PELATIHAN PARTISIPATIF. Abstrak: Implementasi higher order thinking skills (HOTS) dalam pembelajaran sains di SD sangat diperlukan agar siswa mendapat stimulasi untuk berpikir kritis dan kreatif melalui tugas-tugas eksperimen sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam merancang pembelajaran IPA berkategori HOTS melalui penerapan pelatihan partisipatif, terdiri atas tahapan analisis kebutuhan peserta pelatihan, pengkajian materi, merancang tugas pembelajaran IPA berkategori HOTS secara kolaboratif. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan merancang pembelajaran sains di SD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan guru-guru SD dalam merancang pembelajaran sains berkategori HOTS setelah mengikuti pelatihan memiliki skor lebih tinggi daripada sebelum mengikuti pelatihan partisipatif. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran IPA, pelatihan partisipatif, higher order thinking skills (HOTS), guru sekolah dasar. ENHANCING THE ABILITY OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN DESIGNING HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) CATEGORIES OF NATURAL SCIENCES THROUGH PARTICIPATORY TRAINING

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