
Due to the significant need for modern technologies to meet the growing requirements of wide bandwidths, high levels of security, and high speeds. Considered Light fidelity is a future technology optical WC system that employs VL to transport data in open space. The end-user has employed VLC based on (LEDs). This technique provides a high data transfer rate, higher security, and less interference with other radio frequencies. This study investigates Li-Fi System Performance based on OCDMA/FOS under Effective Weather conditions on L-band frequency. LI-FI technology faces many challenges in maintaining system performance owing to the rise in user numbers and the different weather conditions. This causes the system performance to decrease in BER, Q-factor, power, etc. and maintains good security at the lowest possible costs and the best results. Proposed system, in addition to measuring the frequency filtering amount used in the proposed system, The results showed a significant improvement using the proposed technique, where the system achieved the error bit rate in clear weather from 3.93 * 10-28 to 2.5 * 10-24, and also in dusty weather, it achieved from 1.7 * 10-28 to 8 * 10-23 in addition to that The amount of frequencies filtering in UFBG This means that the minimum amount to use the filter feature is1.2nm. Suggested design has proven its ability to maintain acceptable performance in end-user in light of the increase in the number of users.

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