
The precise excision of transposon Tn10 and a mini-Tn10 derivative, inserted in the gal or lac operons, was studied in dnaB252 and dnaE486 temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichiacoli. dnaB codes for a DNA replication helicase and dnaE for the alpha subunit of DNA polymerase III. Mutations in these genes were found to enhance, at the permissive temperature, the precise excision of both genetic elements. The increase factor was much more pronounced for the dnaB252 mutant with the transposons inserted in gal. The stimulated excision was only partially affected by a recA null mutation but was significantly reduced by introduction of recF null or ruvA mutations. A model involving template switching of the polymerase between the direct repeats flanking the transposons, on the same strand or between sister strands, could account for the observed results.

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