
Abstract THE 24TH ANNUAL TECHNICAL MEETING of the Petroleum Society of CIM will present a program with an international flavour. About twenty representatives from the ?U.S.S.R. oil and gas industry are expected to participate. The meeting will be held in the Hotel MacDonald, Edmonton, Alberta, May 8 to 12, 1973. Registration forms may be obtained by writing to The Petroleum Society of CIM, P.O. Box 3914, Postal Station D, Edmonton, Alberta. The general theme of "Enhanced Recovery is of current interest to the industry in both Canada and the Soviet Union. A recent Soviet publication, quoting a top oil official, states: "Increasing the petroleum recovery of existing fields is like finding a giant new field"- The exchange of high-quality papers at the meeting will fulfill part of the Technical Exchange Agreement signed by Canada and the U.S,S,R. The heart of the program is a three-part technical presentation of interest to a broad spectrum of people in the industry. The presentations will start with general papers on the Canadian and Soviet oil and gas industries. These will lead into other Canadian and Soviet theme papers on Waterflooding, Gas Displacement, Steam Injection, Gas Cycling and Stimulation Techniques. Non-theme topics dealing with 'Drilling, Gas Processing, Arctic Operations, Bituminous Sands and Economics will be presented simultaneously. Russian- language and theme papers will be presented in rooms equipped with full translation. The three Luncheon Programs will feature interesting guest speakers. A Ministerial representative of the Federal Government will be on hand to welcome the Soviet guests, Other luncheons will have nontechnical speakers of interest to both ladies and gentlemen. Both indoor and outdoor exhibits are to feature displays of Canadian equipment. Social activities start Tuesday evening with a welcoming cocktail party. A Dinner-Dance is planned for Wednesday, and Thursday evening's "International Night" will present live entertainment. A Ladies' Program is planned, with joint luncheons on Thursday and Friday. The program will close Friday and Saturday with Industrial Tours to Secondary Recovery Facilities, Equipment Fabricators' and Bituminous Sands Research Installations in the Edmonton area. Post-Conference Tour to the Canadian Arctic As RECENTLY ANNOUNCED, Northward Ail-lines is in the process of formulating a tour of the Canadian Arctic to be a post-conference feature of the 24th Annual Technical Meeting of The Petroleum Society of elM. The meeting, being held in Edmonton May 8–12, will have representation from the USSR. "Rarely does the Arctic adventurer:' states Herb Spear, sales manager for Northward Airlines, "have the opportunity to appreciate the contrasts that exist in the Arctic. On this tour he will visit Pelly Bay, a native settlement, then go on to Resolute, a modern Arctic townsite. The progress ever present in both areas is representative of the growth of the north." Pelly Bay is a native villa Ire in the true northern fashion, complete with a full complement of native customs and handicrafts. It will provide the traveller with an interesting comparison with Resolute, where he will find all the modern conveniences one would expect of a modern Arctic townsite.

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