
Cut throat injury have some open , incised or incised looking injury in the neck inflicted by sharp elements such as razor, knives or broken bottle pieces and glasses which may be superficial or penetrating in nature. Any injury in the neck regards as fatal injury because it contains vital structures. In case of cut throat injury there is high chance of injury to the vital structures of the neck, which may leads to profuse hemorrhage from injured major blood vessels, air embolism and airway obstruction. There are few studies carried out on cut throat injury in our country, as a result actual incidence, mortality and morbidity are not known .Present study attempts to overcome this lacuna, so that concerned authority and policy makers to initiate measure in order to minimize the mortality related to cut throat injury. This prospective observational type of study was undertaken in the department of Otorhinolaryngology in a Medical College of Eastern India. Total 60 cut throat patients were included in the study. After proper management it is found that 25 patients (25%) completely cured, living normal life. Living with minor morbidity are 27 patients (45%). 18 patients (30%) living with major problems. According to the result and analysis of this study it is established that early appropriate measure could save majority of the patient’s life. Morbidity and mortality are related to delay in initiation of the treatment. Few deaths occur due to injury of great vessels and blood loss. INTRODUCTION: Anterior neck injuries are varied in extent, depth and causes. They may be intentional or accidental .The injuries may be penetrating or non penetrating blunt trauma involving the soft tissues, cartilage, bones and neurovascular bundles or in combinations depending on the extent of the injury and force of impact, where as cut throat injury have some open , incised or incised looking injury in the neck inflicted by sharp elements such as razor, knives or broken bottle pieces and glasses which may be superficial or penetrating in nature, may be described by the term ‘ Cutthroat injury’.[1,2,3] Most commonly these injuries are presented with a single wound or may be multiples injuries. Majority of them succumb to their injuries and some suffered from permanent disability like problem with deglutition, phonation and subglottic stenosis. Any injury in the neck regards as fatal injury because it contains vital structures. In case of cut throat injury there is high chance of injury to the vital structures that may leads to profuse hemorrhage from injured major blood vessels, air embolism and airway obstruction. According to Roon and Christensen’s classification, neck injuries are divided into three anatomical zones. Zone I, extends from sternal notch /clavicle to cricoid cartilage. Zone II, extends from cricoid cartilage to angle of mandible and zone III, extends from angle of mandible to base of skull. Although zone I and III are more protected by bones and the vital structures in the zone II are not protected by bone, so the risk of injury is different in three zones. [4]

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