
The study examines whether the goal of food security for the population of Sverdlovskaya oblast, one of the mostly industrial northern region in Russia, aiming agricultural productivity improvement and rural poverty reduction, could be achieved by the regional authorities within post-soviet type of agricultural policy. Results show that, the current trends of agricultural production and rural social development in Sverdlovskaya oblast are degrading. To reach the goal of regional food security and to change declining trends in production it is necessary to ensure the priority of social goals over economic development, because providing higher standards of rural livelihoods will inevitably lead to the sustainable development of agricultural production. The study aims to determine the conceptual foundations of the transition of rural localities of industrial region of Russia towards sustainable development through the creation of decent living conditions and activities of the rural population in quality food production. Particular attention is focused on the mechanism of interaction and coordination among federal and regional governments, local governments and commercial organizations engaged in its food production activities in the rural areas. On the basis of theoretical propositions is the conceptual model of innovative development of rural areas in an industrial region, namely Sverdlovskaya oblast of Russia, aiming quality food production for the population of region is presented. Key words: Agrifood system, innovation, rural development, Russia.

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