
Stevens. P.F. (Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass 02138, USA) 1993. A new species and new combination in Clusiaceae-Calophylloideae from New Guinea. Telopea 5(2): 359-361. A distinctive new species of Mammea, M. papyracea, known only from a single collection from the Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, is described. Following the recent separation of Kayea and Mesua, a new combination, K. coriacea, is made; a recent collection of this species represents a range extension of 1500 km. I ntrod uction The new species described below and the new combination made are necessitated by the forthcoming publication of Volume 3 of the 'Handbooks of the Flora of Papua New Guinea'. Mammea It is with some hesitation that I describe a new species of Mammea since the genus is very poorly known throughout its Malesian range, with the exception of the seaside M. odorata (Raf.) Kostermans and the Bornean M. acuminata (Kostermans) Koster­ mans. However, in the course of monographing the genus, it became clear that the specimen that is described below as M. papyracea has so many distinctive features that it merits formal description. Mammea papyracea P.F. Stevens, sp nov. A speciebus aliis Mammeae foliis petiolis 5-10 x c. 2.5 mm, laminis basibus rotunda­ tis vel subcordatis, venis utrinque haud prominentibus, venis submarginalibus 3-seriatis, venulis ultimis obscuris, et glandulis laticibus c. 3 mm distantibus, differt. TYPE: PAPUA NEW GUINEA: MOROBE: Lae subdistrict, Buso, 30 ft [9 m], H. Streimann et al., NGF 39414, 6/5/[19]69 (holo A; iso BO, CANB, K, L, LAE). Tree c. 9 m tall, c. 7.5 cm d.b.h. Outer bark light brown, pustular, middle bark creamy brown; inner bark brown; latex white, turning yellow. Sapwood straw-coloured; heart­ wood reddish brown. Terminal bud conoid, 6-7.5 x 1.2-1.5 mm, apex of perulae nar­ rowly cuneate; twigs slightly flattened, 2-3.4 mm across, drying striate when young, otherwise smooth, pale yellowish brown, with a transverse line at the node; innova­ tions with c. 3 pairs of perulae within 2 mm, another pair with an internode 5-20 mm long, and 1 or 2 pairs of expanded leaves with internodes 4.5-8 cm long. Petiole (3-)5-10 x c. 2.5 mm, strongly concave above; lamina elliptic-oblong, 14-23 x 4.2-9 cm, apex acuminate to almost rounded, acumen to 7 mm long, base broadly rounded to subcordate, margin narrowly recurved, texture thinly coriaceous, surface above smooth, below dull brown, slightly glaucous, midrib above slightly depressed at the base, becoming raised, 0.7-1.0 mm across at the midpoint of the blade, more or less

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