
Objectives: The present study was conducted to investigate the effects ofrecombinant human interferon-α-2b (rh-INF-α-2b) on testicular histomorphology in adult ratmodel. Study Design: Experimental study. Place & Duration: Animal house, Sindh AgricultureUniversity Tando Jam and Isra University Hyderabad from January to December 2014.Methodology: 80 adult albino rats were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteriaand divided into 4 groups. Group I: Control rats 0.9% saline, Group II: rhIFN α-2b (3MIU),Group III: rhIFN α-2b (5MIU) and Group IV received rhIFN α-2b (10MIU). The rhIFN α-2b wasinjected intra-peritoneal (i.p) three times a week for 3 weeks in doses of 3MIU, 5MIU and10MIU. Animals were euthanized. Orchidectomy was performed and testicles were stored in10% formaldehyde. 5μ thick tissue sections were stained by Hematoxylin & Eosin (H & E).Results: Atrophic seminiferous tubules with clumping of lining epithelia were noted. Germ cellmaturation arrested was prominent; hypervascularity with reduced germ cells and sperm cellswere noted in high dose rhIFN α-2b treated groups. Tubular desquamation and thick basementmembrane were visible. The sertoli cells and interstitial cells of Leydig counts were increased.Conclusion: It is concluded that the recombinant human interferon-α-2b exerts serious adverseeffects on testicular histomorphology.

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