
The Excelsior waste rock dump of the polymetallic Zn-Pb-(Ag-Bi-Cu) Cerro de Pasco deposit, Peru is characterized by high acid-production potential due to its waste rock composition with 60 wt% pyrite and <5 wt% carbonates. The waste dump is locally rich in minerals that contain up to 12.7 wt% Pb, 4.9 wt% Zn, 1.1 wt% Cu, 6020 mg/kg As, and 381 mg/kg Cd. Acid mine drainage (AMD) at the base of the waste rock dump is rich in Fe, Zn, Pb, Cd and As. The object of this study is to determine the source of metals in AMD and if metal contamination was related to seasonal fluctuations of precipitation. Main secondary minerals are gypsum, hydronian / plumbo- / K-jarosites, goethite, schwertmannite, and efflorescent salts (Fe-, Zn-, Mg-, Mn-sulfates). Leach tests of mine waste material simulated rain events and demonstrated the high solubility of efflorescent salts and acid/metal liberation. Leachates have pH between 2.8 and 4.9 and contain a maximum of 447.1 mg/L Zn, 16.7 mg/L Cu, and 14.8 mg/L Cd. AMD appears to be controlled by precipitation of secondary efflorescent salts in dry seasons and re-dissolution in rainy seasons.

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