
Virilizing or masculinizing features in a female can be an alarm for the doctor and a source of embarrassment for the patient. These features appear as a result of hyperandrogenism, the source being ovary or adrenal gland. Here is a case of Virilizing ovarian tumour in a 51 year old diabetic female. This patient presented with a 14 year history of appearance of hair all over the body with loss of scalp hair. She also had complaints of pain in lower abdomen with excessive micturition for 3 months. Examination showed hirsutism and features of virilisation. Suprapubic mass was present on abdominal examination. Per vaginal exam revealed a soft mass? Ovarian. Radiological tests showed features suggestive of ovarian malignancy with possible uterine involvement and mild ascites. Most routine hematological investigations were normal. Total testosterone was grossly elevated (>1500 ng/dl); CA-125 was also raised (103.7 U/ml). FSH & LH values were low, TSH was normal while estradiol& progesterone were raised. Urine microscopy had features of urinary tract infection; hence treatment was started for the same. Patient underwent panhysterectomy. Histopathological studies confirmed steroid cell left ovarian tumour (T1aN0Mx), which was the source of virility in the patient. Patient improved dramatically

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