
BACKGROUND: Menstrual cycle is an integral part of life in women. The characteristic rhythmic changes in the rate of secretion of ovarian hormones produce physiological changes in different organ systems, in addition to changes in the reproductive system. AIM: The present study is done to elucidate a possible correlative changes in respiration during the different (menstrual, luteal and follicular) phases of menstrual cycle in healthy young girls. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Volume and rate of resting ventilation were measured serially in 40 healthy female student’s volunteers, during menstrual, follicular and luteal phases of menstrual cycle. STATISTICAL ANALYSES: ANOVA, ‘T’ test and ‘P’ value are applied to find out statistical significance and conclusions are drawn based on this statistical treatment. RESULTS: Respiratory Rate was significantly higher (P<O.OO6) in luteal phase than in menstrual and follicular phases. The Minute ventilation though showed slight increase in LP, was not statistically significant. The Tidal Volume showed fall during LP. CONCLUSION: The luteal increase in ventilation suggests a possible role for progesterone in stimulating the respiratory drive, either centrally or through the peripheral chemoreceptors or by both, thus suggesting a possible beneficial role of progesterone in the management of respiratory illnesses.

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