
Marx argued, we recall that capitalist society suffered from in-built contradictions, which would lead to its demise in time. Today, the globe faces another major kind of contradiction: rapid economic development against ecological sustainability. The relationships between economic growth and environmental sustainability have been much debated: Can they be combined to give both prosperity and environmental protection?  On the micro level, many projects show that this is indeed possible. But on the macro level, global emissions of greenhouse gases follow the advancement of country affluence closely. The link is the constantly increasing need for more energy, provided by fossil fuels. Key words: Ecological sustainability, greenhouse gases, GDP total and per capita, energy consumption, economic growth versus environment sustainability: micro versus macro aspects.


  • Economists and environmentalists alike underline that there is in principle no contradiction between economic growth on the one hand and preservation of the environment on the other hand

  • Many urban sites employ so-called green buses. This feasible coherence between economic growth and environmental sustainability holds at the micro level in the economy, encompassing lots of interesting and promising projects, especially in rich countries

  • At the macro level, especially at the global level, matters are entirely different, as economic activity in general consumes lots of energy, which results in a constantly increasing emission of greenhouse gases. This global contradiction between economic growth and ecological sustainability, both valued by many people, will most probably be the major headache of the 21st century, because there is a limit to the increase in CO2 equivalent emissions, as far as climate change is concerned

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Planet Earth in the 21st century: Coordination failure in common pools governance?. Public Policy Institute in Belgrade, 10 Charles Humbert, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland. We recall that capitalist society suffered from in-built contradictions, which would lead to its demise in time. The globe faces another major kind of contradiction: rapid economic development against ecological sustainability. The relationships between economic growth and environmental sustainability have been much debated: Can they be combined to give both prosperity and environmental protection? Many projects show that this is possible. On the macro level, global emissions of greenhouse gases follow the advancement of country affluence closely. The link is the constantly increasing need for more energy, provided by fossil fuels

United States
The relevance of economic growth
Energy consumption
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