
Service-learning projects enable students to apply course concepts while connecting with and providing valuable services to their larger community. Such projects are particularly valuable in civic education, where students can act as the driving forces behind political engagement education and motivation efforts. “UIndyVotes!” is a student project focused on voter registration and education at the University of Indianapolis in Indiana. It aims to engage the campus and the community in upcoming elections. In its first two iterations (in 2016 and 2018), the project organized voter registration tables, door-to-door canvassing, and voter education programs. This case study assesses the efforts of the project, including its objectives, processes, programming, and partnerships, and recommends best practices for future campus voter registration drives. The improvements observed between iterations illustrate the value of organizing early, securing key partnerships, and delegating tasks via the university network and system available to students. This case study offers guidance and recommendations for how instructors can adopt and adapt these practices to create or enhance similar service-learning experiences on their own campuses.

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