
Numerous studies have identified members of the multidrug resistance protein (MRP) family of ABC transporters as ATP-dependent GS-X pumps responsible for export of various xenobiotic conjugates, and the few known glutathione conjugates of endogenous metabolites. In the present study we have investigated the possibility that the glutathione conjugate of 13-oxooctadecadienoic acid (13-OXO-SG), is exported from HT-29 cells by one of these GS-X pumps. The precursor 13-oxooctadecadienoic acid (13-OXO) is a metabolic oxidation product of linoleic acid. The transport of 13-OXO-SG is compared to that of the glutathione conjugate of chlorodinitrobenzene (DNP-SG). The results show that the efflux of 13-OXO-SG is ATP-dependent. In cultured HT-29 cells as well as in inside-out vesicles prepared from these cells, significant inhibition of conjugate export is achieved by the energy disrupters, β,γ-methylene ATP, sodium vanadate, and 2-deoxyglucose. Significant inhibition of the vesicle-mediated transport is also observed in the presence of genistein and verapamil. In inside-out vesicles, the transport of both conjugates exhibits saturation with an apparent K m of 325.5 μM and a V max of 0.0669 nmol/mg protein per min for 13-OXO-SG and a K m of 169 μM and a V max of 0.496 nmol/mg protein per min for DNP-SG. Furthermore, co-inhibition is observed when both conjugates are present simultaneously which is consistent with the involvement of common pumps. The data in this report demonstrate the involvement of an ATP-dependent pump in the metabolic disposition of endogenously derived metabolites of linoleic acid.

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