
Angular distributions of the 9Be( 12C, 13C) 8Be reaction were measured at the beam energy of E lab( 12C) = 65 MeV for the transitions to the ground, 3.09 MeV (1/2 +) and 3.68 MeV (3/2 −) + 3.85 MeV (5/2 +) excited states of the 13C nucleus. These data together with experimental data at the energies of E lab( 12C) = 12, 15 MeV and E lab( 9Be) = 20 MeV were analyzed within the coupled reaction channels (CRC) model. The elastic and inelastic scattering as well as one- and two-step transfers were included in the coupled channel scheme. It was found that n- and α-transfers dominate in these reactions. The energy dependence of the OM potential for the 8Be + 13C channel was deduced. A good description of all sets of experimental data was achieved.

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