
We present the studies of energy and momentum relaxation dynamics of nonequilibrium holes in GaxIn1−xNyAs1−y/GaAs quantum well modulation doped with Be. Experimental results show that the real-space transfer (RST) of hot holes occurs via thermionic emission from the high-mobility GaInNAs quantum wells into the low-mobility GaAs barriers at a threshold electric field of F∼6 kV/cm at T=13 K. At this field the hole drift velocity saturates at vd∼1×107 cm/s. A slight increase in the field above the threshold leads to the impact ionization of acceptors in the barriers by the nonequilibrium holes. We observe and model theoretically a negative differential mobility effect induced by RST that occurs at an electric field of F∼7 kV/cm. The observed current surge at electric fields above 7 kV/cm is attributed to the hole multiplication induced by shallow impurity breakdown in the GaAs barrier and impact ionization in the high-field domain regime associated with the packet of RST of holes in the well.

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