
We report sample results on Saturn magnetospheric energetic ion spectral shapes using measurements obtained from the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI) suite onboard Cassini. The ion intensities are measured by the Charge Energy Mass Spectrometer (CHEMS) that covers the energy range of 3 to 236 keV/e, the Low Energy Magnetospheric Measurements System (LEMMS) covering the energy range of 0.024 < E < 18 MeV, and the Ion Neutral Camera (INCA) that provides ion measurements in the ion mode at the energy range ∼5.5 to >220 keV for protons. The data used cover several passes from the period 1 July 2004 to 10 April 2007, at various latitudes over the dipole L range 5 < L < 20 RS. The spectra generally show a power law in energy form at larger L values but display a flattening/relative peak at lower (L < 10) values centered at ∼50 to ∼100 keV and can be fit by a κ distribution function with characteristic kT ranging from ∼10 to ∼100 keV. The results are consistent with the assumption that energetic protons are heated adiabatically as they move inward to stronger magnetic fields, in contrast to the singly ionized oxygen that seems to be heated locally at each L shell. The lack of any trend of the O+ temperature versus L shell implies that nonadiabatic energization mechanisms and charge exchange with Saturn's neutral gas cloud play an important role for ion energetics.

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