
Time for primary review 27 days. The endothelin (ET) family comprises three 21-amino acid peptides: ET-1, ET-2 and ET-3. Endothelin-1 has been identified as the major cardiovascular isopeptide. Release of the active peptide ET-1 requires cleavage of a Trp21–Val22 bond in the carboxyterminal of the precursor molecule, big ET-1 [1]. This reaction is catalyzed by a membrane bound metalloprotease, endothelin converting enzyme (ECE-1) [1, 2]. An intracellularly located ECE (ECE-2) has been identified as well [3]. Endothelin release is increased transcriptionally when the endothelium is exposed to vasoconstrictor peptides, inflammatory cytokines and physical factors (e.g. angiotensin II, thrombin, TGF-β). Although the human kidney contains mRNA for all three isoforms of endothelin (ET), ET-1 appears to be the only peptide expressed at the protein level [4]. Expression of ET-1, its precursor, big ET-1, and the ECE in the non-diseased kidney is largely confined to the glomerular and vascular endothelium [4, 5]. However, when proteinuria is present, there is tubular expression of ET-1 as well [6]. ET-1 released by the renal vasculature or nephron segments mainly acts on cells in the immediate vicinity in an autocrine/paracrine fashion. ET-1 mediates its biological effects by interacting with two receptors, the ETA and ETB receptors, which have been cloned and well characterized. The ETA receptor is preferentially expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells and mediates the potent constrictor actions of ET-1 [7]. The ETB receptor is primarily expressed in endothelial cells and binds all three ET isoforms. When this receptor is activated, nitric oxide and prostacyclin are released, possibly as a feedback loop to the constrictor actions of ET-1. This is exemplified by recent observations where both administration of a selective ETB antagonist in animals as well as specific knock-out … * Corresponding author. Tel: +31-30-250-7329; Fax: +31-30-254-3492; E-mail: t.rabelink@digd.azu.nl

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