
The use of entomopathogenic fungi represents one of the most important non-chemical alternatives for pest control in crop production. In addition to their pathogenicity to arthropods, they have many other important effects that favor their use in biological control. They live in plants as endophytes and have an inhibitory effect on plant pathogens. They inhabit the rhizosphere of many plants in natural and agricultural ecosystems and have a stimulatory effect on their growth and development. These recently acquired ecological functions are not yet fully understood, but point to the broader potential of using entomopathogenic endophytic fungi in crop production, not only as biopesticides but also as mycofungicides and growth stimulants (biostimulants). To achieve the full potential of entomopathogenic endophytic fungi in daily agricultural practice, practical application should be considered in the development of commercial products and the application techniques of entomopathogenic endophytic fungi that allow successful colonization of plants should be considered.


  • Endophytic fungi as biological control agents and their indirect effects on plants Abstract: The use of entomopathogenic fungi represents one of the most important non-chemical alternatives for pest control in crop production

  • Poleg patogenosti za členonožce imajo te glive tudi druge lastnosti, zaradi katerih so širše uporabne v biotičnem varstvu rastlin

  • Te v zadnjem času dognane ekološke funkcije še niso podrobneje raziskane, vendar kljub temu nakazujejo na širši potencial uporabe entomopatogenih endofitnih gliv pri pridelavi rastlin, ne le kot sredstev za biotično zatiranje škodljivcev, pač pa tudi kot mikofungicidov in sredstev za krepitev rasti in razvoja

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Endofiti so različne vrste gliv in bakterij, ki živijo v notranjosti rastlinskega tkiva ter so z rastlinami v mutualističnem odnosu (Wilson, 1995). Endofitni mikroorganizmi pripomorejo k odzivu in prilagoditvi rastlin na biotske in abiotske strese ter z vzbujanjem različnih mehanizmov inducirane odpornosti omogočajo le tem premostitev stresnih situacij (Rodriguez in Redman, 2008; Rho in sod., 2018). Endofiti namreč stimulirajo tvorbo signalnih molekul kot so etilen, jasmonska kislina in salicilna kislina, s čimer vplivajo na aktivacijo mehanizmov inducirane odpornosti (Robert-Seilaniantz in sod., 2011). Endofiti posredno vplivajo na povečano tvorbo rastlinskih sekundarnih metabolitov z aktivacijo genov za njihovo sintezo, določeni endofiti pa sekundarne metabolite, ki so udeleženi v obrambnih odzivih rastlin, tvorijo tudi sami (Van Wees in sod., 2008; Zamioudis in Pieterse, 2012). Druge prilagoditve rastlin na abiotski stres, ki jih omogočajo endofiti, so povezane s tvorbo rastlinskih hormonov, stresnih proteinov, antioksidantov in encimov, ki povečujejo toleranco rastlin na stresne razmere (Rho in sod., 2018)

Endofitne glive
Entomopatogene glive
Entomopatogene endofitne glive
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